Friday, January 8, 2010

Taking the romance out

So, there is a relatively large bead order winding its way across the U.S. towards my humble little workspace. Mostly findings, and less fun stuff, but since the problem is not finishing the pieces I've made, they are a necessary evil.

I am hoping to get myself back in create mode starting Monday. Maybe it sounds funny, but it is something that has to be scheduled into my day, otherwise it can get lost in the mudane household stuff. Spending time being creative can make me feel guilty, since it is also such a 'me' time. Since not only its 'me' time, it can be hours of work with no finished product, or playing with new techniques, and even *gasp* organizing if nothing inspires me. This week I went into my work area and cleaned up my table, put away my tools, found homes for all the lone stragglers and things that could be used for practice. It felt good to be in there. What I have learned, though, is my laptop and cell phone need to stay OUT. Technology is great, but it also makes it so easy to be distracted or sidetracked.

What I'm wondering, is how others deal with making time to be creative, or just time for yourself. Is it something your schedule, or is it more organic and just happens? Do others understand when you need to take time out? Do you feel scheduling time for yourself to create 'takes the romance' out if the process?

ETA: I just spent some time working on my 'to be dealt with' pile, listening to Vivaldi and having a cup of tea. It was wonderful!

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