Monday, August 30, 2010

Ladies who Lunch

For the past few weeks, a few of us at work have started to take turns bringing in a healthy lunch one day a week. The rules are:
1)new recipe
2)Weight Watchers (or know the points!)
3)be food-obsessed

I don't follow WW, but I follow good food. I'm always looking for ways to eat *more* good food. I keep thinking "I should blog about this" tonight I am stopping the procrastination and just posting.

Tomorrow is our next Ladies' Lunch, and hopefully, I will not forget photos and share the food-p*.rn love.

But...until then, here is the yummy yummy recipe we had today, an 'unofficial' lunch day.

Baked Pasta with Butternut Squash and Ricotta.

Overall impression was yum! Definitely a recipe that makes you look forward to autumn.

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